Friday, 4 July 2014

PowerShell - List out all checked out documents in library

PowerShell - List out all checked out documents in library:-
Library names needs to be hard coded inside code, at present dummy entries are made, replace it with actual library name before script execution.

1. Enter web app url
2. Create a csv file with all site collection url and pass the path of the same.
$UrlDochubWebApp = Read-Host "Enter destination web app url"
$SiteCollFilePath = Read-Host "Enter SIte collection csv details Path(folder path)"
#Loading Snap in for Microsoft.Sharepoint.Powershell
$snapin = Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell'}
if ($snapin -eq $null)

Write-Host "Loading SharePoint Powershell Snapin" -ForegroundColor Green
$snapin = Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.Sharepoint.Powershell"

Write-Host $snapin

$Webapplication =GEt-SPWebAPplication $UrlDochubWebApp
$SiteCollFilePath = "$SiteCollFilePath\ItemsCheckedOut_$(get-date -format MMddyyHHmmss).csv";

$AllLibraryNames = New-Object "System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection"
$AllLibraryNames.Add("<LibraryName-1>") | Out-Null;
$AllLibraryNames.Add("<LibraryName-2>") | Out-Null ;
$AllLibraryNames.Add("<LibraryName-3>") | Out-Null ;

$strToBeInserted = "Site URL,Web Url,FileName,FileUrl,Created By,Created";

function LogData()
 Param ([string]$logstring)
Add-content $SiteCollFilePath -value $logstring

LogData $strToBeInserted;
if($Webapplication -ne $null)
$Allsites = $Webapplication.Sites
foreach($Site in $Allsites)
$siteUrl = $Site.Url;
$siteTitle = $site.Title;
foreach($web in $site.AllWebs)
$WebURl = $web.Url;
if(-not($web.Url.toLOwer() -match ("/scrapsite")))
foreach($list in $web.Lists)
$ListTitle = $list.Title
$LIstITemCount = $list.ItemCount;
if(($list.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary") -and ($AllLibraryNames.Contains("$ListTitle") ) -and ($LIstITemCount -gt 0))
$files = $list.CheckedOutFiles;
foreach($file in $files)
$filename = $file.LeafName;
#$fileURl = $file.URl;
$fileDIr = $file.DirName ;
$itemCreated = $file.TimeLastModified;
$itemCreatedBY = $file.CheckedOutByName;
$strToBeInserted = "$siteUrl,$WebURl,$filename,$fileURl,$itemCreatedBY,$itemCreated";
LogData $strToBeInserted;

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